Everyone was welcome at this, our sixth Oxford careers event. It was free to attend and primarily intended for post-docs and PhD students from the biomedical sciences departments within and around Oxford and from other Universities further afield, to meet with a number of medical communications (MedComms) professionals for a highly engaging session which presented medical writing and account management in MedComms as attractive career options.
We explained how areas of the UK such as Oxfordshire, London and Cheshire are home to numerous leading medical communications agencies that serve the global pharmaceutical industry... and they're crying out for good staff!
These agencies are looking for individuals with:
a genuine enthusiasm for science and its application to the world of medicine
the ability to work independently within a small-team environment.
MedComms can literally take you all over the world and provides attractive long-term career pathways.
Medical Sciences Teaching Centre (MSTC), South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PL [Directions here]
10.30 Registration and coffee
11.15 Welcome and Introduction by Peter Llewellyn, NetworkPharma and presentations by:
Elif Fincanci-Smith, Editorial Director at Darwin Healthcare Communications, explained the nature of medical communications (MedComms) and describes the typical roles of medical writers and account managers within an agency.
Kay Chapman, a new Medical Writer at Darwin Healthcare
Communications, reflected on her first few months working in a medical communications (MedComms) agency after leaving academia.
Ryan Woodrow, an independent freelance medical writer, reflected on his experience in medical communications
(MedComms) and provided an overview of the role of medical writer and some advice for prospective candidates.
Carys Mills, Recruitment Consultant, provided an overview of the role of the recruitment specialists and provided valuable advice for anyone looking to start a career in medical communications (MedComms).
13.00-15.00 Lunch and informal discussion with senior staff from additional leading medical communications agencies and industry associations.
If you have any questions about the event please email Peter Llewellyn.