For 18 years, this global initiative has facilitated networking and dialogue amongst individuals working in and around the pharmaceutical industry and MedComms, focusing on specialist medical education, medical communications and medical publishing activities. Please join the conversation on LinkedIn, using hashtag #MedComms.
After another year of disruption and the introduction of new working practices, we reflect on how well we ensure everyone reaches their maximum potential in MedComms. The work can be frenetic, stressful and deadline-driven. How many of us struggle with challenges behind the scenes? How well do we support each other through those challenges? Are we overcoming invisible barriers to work and productivity with more flexible working? Can more people flourish whatever their situation/circumstances (e.g. health issues, care needs, ageing, etc)? Has COVID inadvertently paved the way for inclusivity like never before? Or have we created unforeseen consequences (reduced chances for career progression etc)? Are inequalities worsening?
And we answer questions from the audience.
12.00 Start and Introductions from Steven Walker of St Gilesmedical and Peter Llewellyn of NetworkPharma
12.10 Session 1 - voice of the individual
Panel includes Katia Chrysostomou (Performance Coach), David Gudgeon (DG Associates), LisaMarie McLane (Ashfield MedComms) and Mark Palmer (Freelance writer)
12.50 Session 2 - voice of the professional
Panel includes Jacques Tamin (Occupational Physician)
To make sure you're included in announcements about future events just email Peter Llewellyn, if you haven't already done so, to register your interest.
This web site and associated activities are being managed by NetworkPharma Ltd, company registration 4392836
Registered office: 6-7 Citibase, New Barclay House, 234 Botley Road, Oxford, OX2 0HP, UK Email: