Patient = Customer? Healthcare = FMCG?
An excellent discussion about the importance of involving the patients in the development of healthcare management and treatment strategies.
Topics that were addressed included: How the patient can and should impact drug development and healthcare delivery. The growing importance of the patient in shaping scientific and medical research, involvement in panels for discussion and decision making. Obvious parallels to the FMCG industry. The need for Pharma, health services, and public sector to be more "Patient Intelligent" and to understand and act on specific patient needs and requirements. History and experience of patient involvement in the public sector, guidelines and lessons learned, implications and current activities in the Pharmaceutical sector. Development of models for incorporation of patient perspectives and experiences in healthcare outcomes.
Download a summary of the discussions here, written by Kirsten Corien of Pip Health.
Useful reading:
Uhm S, Liabo K, Stewart R, Rees R, Oliver S. Patient and public perspectives shaping scientific and medical research: panels for data, discussions, and decisions. Patient Intelligence 2012;4:1-10 [Read article here]
Van Dongen, N. Become 'patient intelligent' to cure treatment aversion. Pharmaceutical Marketing Europe; January 2012 [Read article here]
13.00 Peter Llewellyn - Introduction
13.15 Nadine van Dongen - Powershift in healthcare environment, the patient prescribes
13.55 Sandy Oliver - Patient Intelligence: data, discussions and decisions
14.35 coffee break
14.55 Mark Nuijten - Patient data for Market Access
15.35 Panel discussion
16.00 Peter Llewellyn raffle draw and wrap up
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