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MedComms Networking is a not-for-profit initiative building on the work of Peter Llewellyn which seeks to unite individuals and organisations involved in delivering health information

MedComms Networking is a not-for-profit initiative building on the work of Peter Llewellyn which seeks to unite individuals and organisations involved in delivering health information. We will do this by listening and by delivering a weekly newsletter and regular online and in-person events. Our group welcomes writers, scientists, editors, educators, project managers, filmmakers, medical journalists, healthcare professionals, researchers, academics, and patient advocates from around the world to join us. The aim is to inform, educate and advance our profession and, ultimately, support patient care.

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    European CME in Practice: Update and Case History discussion

    [Robin was unable to attend on this date so Eugene presented alone. An amalgamated set of slides from Eugene and Robin is available here (Note 14MB PDF file)]

    The practices of - and regulations surrounding - European CME are evolving rapidly and this event provided a valuable opportunity to review recent developments and look forward to what's coming in the year ahead. The distinctions between promotional activity and accredited activity are fundamental and need to be properly understood by all involved in order to avoid red faces all round.

    Professor Robin Stevenson and Eugene Pozniak drew upon the expert discussions at the recent 4th Annual meeting of the European CME Forum, November 2011 in Amsterdam and explained the implications of the latest UEMS guidance document, The Accreditation of Live Educational Events by the EACCME (adopted by the UEMS Council on 7th October 2011).

    A case history approach was taken to understanding in detail what is the most appropriate approach that should be taken to gaining accreditation for European educational activities.

    Reference sources:

  • European CME Forum - provides extensive archive of conference presentation materials and details of 4th annual meeting in Amsterdam, 10-11 November 2011
  • Good CME Practice Group - specialist European providers are developing 4 core principles
  • European Union of CME Specialists (UEMS)
  • Latest UEMS guidance document, The Accreditation of Live Educational Events by the EACCME (adopted by the UEMS Council on 7th October 2011)

    Date: 12 January 2012

    Venue: Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel, Abingdon Road, Oxford, OX1 4PS [DIRECTIONS]


    14.00 = Why CME? Why Now? - (Eugene Pozniak)

    14.15 = Evolving Standards in European CME (Robin Stevenson)

    14.45 = Case Study: part 1 (All)

    15.30 - 4.00 = Working coffee break.

    16.00 = Case Study: part 2 (All)

    17.00 = Final questions and next steps (Robin Stevenson/Eugene Pozniak).

    17.30 = Meeting close, adjourn to the bar!

    To make sure you're included in announcements about future events just email Peter Llewellyn, if you haven't already done so, to register your interest.



    Dove Press
    Dove Press

    Highfield Communication Consultancy
    Highfield Communication Consultancy

    iMed Comms<
    iMed Comms

    KnowledgePoint360 Group
    KnowledgePoint360 Group


    Presentations by:

    Professor Robin Stevenson

    Editor-in-Chief, Journal of European CME (JECME) and Immediate Past Chair, EBAP (European Board for Accreditation in Pneumology)

    [More biographical


    Eugene Pozniak

    Managing Director of Siyemi Learning, Programme Director, European CME Forum and Convener of the Good CME Practice Group

    [More biographical


    Ashley Communications
    Caudex Medical
    Darwin Healthcare Communications
    Fishawack Communications
    GreenwoodKent Creative Communications
    iS Academy
    JVO Consultancy
    Ogilvy 4D
    Ogilvy Healthworld Medical Education
    Oxford PharmaGenesis
    RBW Consulting
    Real Pharma
    Watermeadow Medical

    This web site is managed on a not-for-profit basis by MedSciCommsNet (MSCN) Ltd | Contact email