Managed by MedSciCommsNet (MSCN)

MedComms Networking is a not-for-profit initiative building on the work of Peter Llewellyn which seeks to unite individuals and organisations involved in delivering health information

MedComms Networking is a not-for-profit initiative building on the work of Peter Llewellyn which seeks to unite individuals and organisations involved in delivering health information. We will do this by listening and by delivering a weekly newsletter and regular online and in-person events. Our group welcomes writers, scientists, editors, educators, project managers, filmmakers, medical journalists, healthcare professionals, researchers, academics, and patient advocates from around the world to join us. The aim is to inform, educate and advance our profession and, ultimately, support patient care.

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    Many thanks to the Supporters of MedComms Networking


    The changing face of cancer communications

    This event was led by Professor Gordon McVie, Managing Editor of ecancermedicalscience, the open access cancer journal founded by the European Institute of Oncology in Milan. Gordon told us the eCancer story (now Europe’s leading oncology channel/community), talked about the role of open access publishing and about EU initiatives on the future of cancer communications and more.

    Download Gordon McVie's slide presentation here (excludes video)..

    To make sure you're included in announcements about future events just email Peter Llewellyn, if you haven't already done so, to register your interest.


    Brandcast Media
    Brandcast Media

    Presentation by:

    Professor Gordon McVie, Managing Editor of ecancermedicalscience

    Professor J Gordon McVie is widely regarded as a leading international authority in the research and treatment of cancer. He currently spends over half of his time at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) in Milan, where he is responsible for Clinical Research Coordination, Strategy and International Affairs.

    Previously Professor McVie was Chief Executive of the Cancer Research Campaign (CRC), the largest grant giving charity in the UK, which, under his aegis, took over eighty molecules from the laboratory into clinical trial. He led CRC into a merger with ICRF to form Cancer Research UK, the world's largest charity supporting cancer research. He was Clinical Research Director at the National Cancer Institute of the Netherlands in the 80s where he co-founded the European Organisation for Treatment and Research into Cancer (EORTC), New Drug Development Office.


    Adelphi Communications
    Caudex Medical
    CHOICE Pharma
    Health Press
    Highfield Communication Consultancy
    iS Academy
    Oxford Outcomes
    Omega Scientific
    Pharmacodes Communications
    Wolters Kluwer Health

    This web site is managed on a not-for-profit basis by MedSciCommsNet (MSCN) Ltd | Contact email