The ins and outs of copyright licences
A well-attended meeting discussed just what you can do and what you can't do under the terms of the licences from the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA). Jackie Marchington of Caudex worked informally together with Angela Cairns (KP360 group), Barbara Francis (InforMed) and Cathy Baker (Wolters Kluwer) to pull together a summary of the real-life challenges faced by MedComms specialists and the CLA sent three experienced members of staff to answer questions directly. We had a very open and enlightening discussion and it was agreed that Jackie Marchington and Leon Skelton (CLA) would talk further about the issues raised and feed back developments to the group and to the wider Community.
We will shortly be publishing a summary of the meeting, in the meantime here are links to:
the slides (incorporating results of the pre-event survey and the interactive sessions within the meeting itself) [Download PDF 3.066 MB].
the current details about the CLA Business License [Download PDF 0.609 MB].
For more information about the CLA and their various services, contact Leon Skeltern email
To feed comments and ideas into the now ongoing discussion with the CLA about addressing MedComms-specific needs, contact Jackie Marchington, email
To make sure you're included in announcements about future events just email Peter Llewellyn, if you haven't already done so, to register your interest.